The Things Network Plugin
Plugin for automatically integrating TTN devices in platform.
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Plugin for automatically integrating TTN devices in platform.
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The Things Network (TTN) plugin is a solution for using The Things Network HTTP integration in an optimized way, providing features like both uplink and downlink processing, or automatic device and data storage provisioning, so it is not required to configure TTN devices in both places.
For a better understanding of the following sections, here is described some basic TTN concepts:
Device: It is a hardware device with a LoRa interface.
Gateway: It is a hardware device with both LoRa and Internet connectivity. It basically receives LoRa messages from multiple devices, and push them to TTN network over the Internet.
Uplink: It is a data flow which represents messages sent from a device to the TTN network
Downlink: It is a data flow which represents messages sent from the TTN network to a device.
Application: It is a concept that defines a group of devices of the same type, normally sending the same kind of data both in uplink and downlink).
Integration: It is a way of push device data outside TTN network, i.e., sending messages to other platforms like
In this section it is described the different interfaces that can be used to configure the TTN plugin.
Every TTN application that is integrated over this plugin, should define a new application with the same application identifier as defined in TTN. Each application defined in this way will allow to customize the plugin behaviour based on the application type.
It is possible to create as many applications as required. To configure a particular application, just select the application id from the Application Id
dropdown, and then navigate to the other plugin sections.
Always create applications with the same application identifier as defined in TTN.
The uplink behaviour allows to configure how the plugin will react on new information received from TTN.
The configurable parameters are the following:
Auto provision resources: Enable or disable automatic resource provisioning while receiving messages for non created devices.
Device connection timeout: When creating a new device, establish the device connection timeout in minutes, so the platform can consider the device as disconnected after a fixed time without receiving a message.
Device identifier prefix: When creating a new device, create it with a custom prefix + the original device id.
Bucket identifier prefix: When creating a new data bucket associated to the device, create it with a custom prefix + the original device id.
Update device location: Use the location provided in the gateways information to update de current device location.
Save metadata: Store the metadata information provided by TTN as a device property that can be retrieved later.
Initialize downlink data: When creating a new device, initialize a custom downlink data, that can be modified and processed in further downlink requests.
In this section it is possible to configure the payload processors that will transformate the payload received from TTN in an uplink message, or the payload being sent to TTN in a downlink message.
The interface provides a code editor for NodeJS, where it is possible to define the uplink
and downlink
processors. It is also possible to test the code by providing a sample input data both for uplink
and downlink
In the following, there is information about the uplink and downlink methods.
The uplink method will be called after a gateway sends a new message over the TTN network. Depending on the configuration done in the TTN application, this function will receive different inputs:
Base64 String: If the TTN application defines Custom
payload format but does not provide a decoder
function, this method will receive the raw payload encoded in base64. In this case, it will be necessary to write a function to transform this base64 data to a JSON object.
JSON Object from Cayene LPP: If the TTN application defines a Cayene LPP
payload format, TTN will automatically convert the binary data to a JSON object that can be used directly by the platform. In this case, it is not necessary to define custom uplink method unless you want to do some extra processing like incorporate calculated fields.
JSON Object from custom decoder: If the TTN application defines Custom
payload format and provides a decoder
function, this function will receive the output from TTN function. In this case, creating a custom uplink method will be redundant, so create the funtion in TTN, or in the plugin.
The output of this method must be always a JSON object containing the information that is necessary to be used by the platform. In the following, there is an uplink method that converts base64 data into a JSON object with temperature
and humidity
parsed from the binary data.
The uplink method must always return a JSON object.
Use the interface tester to see if your code is correctly procesing the payloads.
In this section it is described how the uplink data flow works, from its source in the TTN network, to its final destination in
In the following subsections are described the elements shown in the figure.
When TTN receives a message from a given gateway, it automatically checks its configured integrations to forward them the information received. This plugin is integrated over HTTP, so, the TTN network will issue an HTTP request to the plugin on new messages.
The plugin receives data from the TTN network in a JSON format. The callback includes several fields of information, like app_id
, dev_id
, donwlink_url
, metadata
, or the actual payload information sent by LoRa devices on payload_fields
or payload_raw
fields, depending on the Payload formats configured in the TTN application.
Here is an example of the raw information received by the plugin:
More information about TTN HTTP Integration here.
Once this information is received by the plugin, it is processed in order to execute the following actions in
Auto provision new device and its associated data bucket if the device does not exists on the platform. It is based on the dev_id
Store updated device information in a device property called device
, It saves information like app_id
, dev_id
, hardware_serial
, port
, counter
, and downlink_url
Store other device metadata as configured in the plugin, i.e, updating device location based on gateway location, or saving the metadata
field for further analysis.
Use the configured uplink processor (if any) to transform the information provided from TTN network in the fields payload_raw
or payload_fields
before its use in the platform.
Call device callback that will actually push processed data to its associated data bucket, but could do any other action like forwarding data to other endpoints.
This plugin stores some basic information about the device that is sending data. This information is mainly used for keeping some information necessary for the downlink, like the original device identifier used in TTN; the associated application identifier to handle its downlink processor properly; and the most important, the downlink url the platform should use to issue a downlink request to the TTN network.
This plugin allows to configure custom code for processing incoming data. The information sent by LoRaWan devices is normally encoded in small binary payloads that cannot be directly used for representation, as they should not contain tags, JSON, ascii text, etc., in order to minimize transmission time. So, it is required to process the data sent by devices in some point of the cloud.
TTN is already able to process binary payload from devices and convert it in something representative by using a decoder
, that is a custom function that can be configured for each application. It can also parse data encoded by the Cayenne LPP binary format easily.
This plugin also allows to create custom decoders if necessary. The advantage of using the payload processing (if necessary), is that it is using NodeJS runtime instead of plain Javascript, so it is possible to use NodeJS modules like Buffer, that simplifies the condig of the processing functions.
Internaly, payload processors are precompiled after its configuration in the plugin, and executed with the payload data received from TTN. The output from this function (if it gets executed), is then transmitted to the next final step, which is the device callback.
The last step of this plugin is to call the device callback in This plugin auto provision new TTN devices as HTTP devices. HTTP devices inside are generic devices that can push data over REST API methods. will be responsable of taking input data and perform different configurable actions with it, like change the device state to connected/disconnected; write provided data to a configured data bucket; send this information to other services over an endpoint; store the provided information as a device property; or return data from one of the device properties.
In this case, the plugin interacts with the platform over such REST interface, pushing data received from TTN, and processed by the custom uplink method. By default, the plugin initializes an HTTP device to write to a data bucket that is also automatically created. So, every message sent by a TTN device, will write finally write to a specific data bucket. As shown in the following picture:
After the device callback is done, it will appear as a connected device, showing also its location if it was configured in the plugin options.